Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Adorable (at least I think so!!)

Today I am extremely grateful for my two wonderful kids! I love that they enjoy each other. They are kind to each other. Sadie is the big mother bear of her younger brother and Sam loves every minute of her attention. Not to say that they are perfect as everyone who was at the park tonight can attest to!! At least they love each other and I love them!


Kim said...

I think they are adorable too. They really are so sweet to each other. Love those kids!

Campbell said...

I agree they are so adorable and We miss them!

Jessica and Ryan Toolson said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I love them!! And yes they are adorable! I miss you guys and I am so proud of you for blogging!! You go sister!

Alli grins said...

What a sweet picture! This reminds me how much I miss your family and appreciate your friendship. I hope things are going well!!!